I went to see a medium yesterday, now I know this will be met with a variety of faces. Some will roll their eyes claiming its a load of tosh, others will be curious and a few will frown, however before you make up,your mind as to whether I was silly to have gone hear me out first.
I had booked the appointment two weeks ago, the man I went to see is renowned for working with the police and helping to solve murder investigations- he has assisted Scotland Yard and been of use. He came highly recommended. Secondly, I withheld my number when I made the appointment over the phone and used a fake name, I didn't give a last name just an alternate to my first name. I also paid upfront with cash- there was no exchanging of personal or financial details in any way, shape or form.
He also asked me to not tell him anything, just to listen- some people who proclaim to be 'psychic' lie and 'hot' read people depending on what the person tells them. This guy was not interested in any of that.
I sat down, and instantly the man told me that he had 'a gentleman with him, who was telling him he was my mothers father and his name is Ronald but everyone calls him Ron, he's telling me he died of cancer very young and it all happened very quickly'. I was flabbergasted, my grandad died when I was two years old his name was Ronald and everyone did call him Ron, and yes he died of cancer within 6 weeks. The man went on To say that my grandad was showing him his wedding photo and told him that his wife was called Irene- my nan is called Irene. All the time I sat there and listened. He knows you have not been well he said, that you have been very unhappy, that you still aren't, that you have a lot of ups and downs but he wants you to know he never left you. The psychic got very emotional at this point, he sounded like he was going to cry. 'You nearly passed on he said' at this point I was nearly In tears. This is true, I did nearly die, I had been given 48 hours to live when I was at my worst with my illness and spent some time in the ICU. ' he wasn't going to let that happen', the psychic said. We both took a deep breath at this point.
He told me plenty of Information that related to my family which was true, and even some friends who weren't related to me that had passed on came through. I was shocked. I hadn't gone for the purpose of hearing from those who had passed on, I thought the reading was going to be for spiritual guidance. What astounded me was the accuracy of the description of people and their names and the things he knew, anecdotes that only my family knew.
Anyway as I left, I knew that I was unhappy, going through constant ups and downs- I didn't need a psychic to tell me that. It made me realise I have to try to eat regularly again even if its just a little bit. I haven't been able to be honest with my dietician for fear of what she will do or impose on me. But I have made a deal with myself. Eat a little bit and regularly and not compensate and if I haven't made progress in a week I am going to write a letter To my dietician and explain everything and at least know then that everything is out in the open. Weight gain is out of the question but at least honest is something I want.
Have you ever seen a psychic? Did it ever provide new perspective??
Comments always welcome.